How do you use Y Tex tags?

Seat male button firmly on pin, press down and give a slight twist. Place RFID tag firmly under clip. Collar on tag must be pointing away from pin. Position applicator over ear and squeeze the handles together.

How long do fly tags last in cattle?

12 to 15 weeks
For fly control, it is best to tag animals after horn fly numbers reach 50 or more per side. This reduces the chances of developing resistance to the active ingredients that are being used. Normally, tags provide 12 to 15 weeks of fly control.

How does a fly tag work?

Once the fly tag is attached to the animal the insecticide starts to release in small volumes daily over the 3 to 4 month activated period. The active ingredient in the insecticide is transferred over the animal via its hair follicles with the help of natural grooming and contact habits within the herd.

What is the best ear tag for cattle?

Best Ear Tags For Cattle Reviews

  • Complete set: Easy 100 Numbered Plastic Livestock Ear Tags With One Pilers Applicator.
  • Multi-Purpose: U & T Large Plastic Livestock Identification Ear Tags.
  • Affordable, fully equipped: GoldPaddy Animal Ear Tags, Pliers, And Spare Pins.

Can you fly tag calves?

Insecticide-impregnated ear tags provide reasonable good face fly control. Face flies are equally attracted to adult animals and calves. So calves need to be tagged as well as adult animals. Pyrethroid tags provide the best reduction in face fly numbers, but can enhance horn fly resistance.

What does an orange tag on a cow mean?

Accredited veterinarians can apply orange metal. NUES or RFID AIN tags at time of brucellosis. Official Identification (ID) must be a device or identification mark approved by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and provide a unique identification number for each animal.

What does a red tag on a cow mean?

After gloving up and entering the cow from the business end, the good doctor would then apply a glued-on sticker to identify such pregnancy. A blue tag meant she was in the first trimester; a red tag proclaimed her in the second stage; a green tag placed her in the last three months before calving.

Which ear do you tag cattle?

Tags should be applied in the middle third of the ear between the upper and lower ribs (Figure 1).