How do you use the IceMan clear machine?

  1. Add ice to fill line. Add cold water to fill line.
  2. Place barrier on knee then place wrap-on pad on knee with tube up as shown. Place round flap on top of patella.
  3. Place barrier on shoulder. Position wrap-on pad on shoulder with tube down.
  4. Add ice to fill line. Add cold water to fill line.

How long do you keep ice man on?

After the first 72 hours and up to 3 weeks, you can choose to use the IceMan for 30-60 minute treatments, 4 times per day. After three weeks, you can choose to use the IceMan as needed. Who can I call if I have a question?

Can I use a cold therapy machine overnight?

This means that the Polar Care Pump can be used overnight or for prolonged periods of time. This cold therapy machine can be used the night of your surgery and should be placed over your post-operative dressing. The padding fits perfectly over areas like your shoulder, elbow, arm or knee.

How do you use a cold therapy pad?

The white side of the cold pad should be placed against the surgical area, over a barrier layer or dressing. The blue side faces away from your skin. Use the elastic straps to hold the pad in place. If you are wearing a brace after surgery, the cold pad goes inside the brace, not on top.

How do you empty an Aircast cuff?

Close the vent, disconnect the tube at the cuff, and leave the filled cuff on your knee for 45 minutes. 1. Reconnect the tube to the cuff, raise the valve and then lower the cooler below knee level to drain completely. 2.

How do you clean a polar Cube?

CLEANING, MAINTENANCE, & SERVICE After use, drain and dry pump with a soft cloth. Warm water and mild detergent may be used occasionally to clean the pump and tubes. There are no serviceable parts.

How long should you use cold therapy machine?

Although you should use it as much as possible, do not use it for more than two hours at a time without turning if off for thirty minutes.