How do you use sow thistle?

SOWTHISTLE AS FOOD The best part of the plant is the young leaves, raw or cooked. They can be added to salads, cooked like spinach or used in soups etc. You can also use the stems, cooked like asparagus or rhubarb. The milky sap has been used as a chewing gum by the Maoris of New Zealand.

Are sow thistles weeds?

Many growers make no distinction at all between perennial and annual sow thistles. That’s because all three versions are tall weeds with yellow, dandelion-like flowers and stems that produce a milky sap.

Is sow thistle same as milk thistle?

The Sow Thistles are sometimes erroneously called Milk Thistles from the milky juice they contain; the true Milk Thistle is, however, a very different plant (see THISTLES). The Latin name of the species, oleraceus, refers to the use to which this weed has been put as an esculent vegetable.

Is sow thistle good for anything?

Herbal Medicine Uses of Sowthistle Its juicy stem oozes a creamy milk like dandelion, which was used as a cure for warts. Sowthistle was also used as a herbal remedy to hasten childbirth, treat skin and eye problems, and freshen foul breath.

Is sow thistle a dandelion?

Many people tend to confuse sow thistle with dandelions. Sow thistle usually has many flowers sprouting out on each stalk. Dandelion only has one flower per stalk. Sow thistle leaves grow all the way up the stalk, as well as at the base of the plant.

Is sow thistle good for wildlife?

There are two thistles to trouble gardeners and farmers: the purple-flowered, spiny-leaved Creeping Thistle, and the yellow-flowered Sow Thistle. Both have strong root systems, and set seed surprisingly quickly. But both have an important role in supporting wildlife.

Are sow thistles poisonous?

; sowthistle can also become poisonous by accumulating nitrates. Sowthistle has hollow stems, milky sap, and leaf bases that seem to clasp the stem; it is much more robust, often over 24 inches tall.

Is sow thistle and dandelion the same?

Why is it called sow thistle?

Other Facts. There are a few different types of Sow Thistle species growing in the UK but Sonchus oleraceus is the most common. It got the name Sow Thistle from the fact that when cut the plant exudes a latex like milk which was believed to help lactation in mothering sows.

Are all sow thistles edible?

Edible Parts The leaves, flowers and roots are edible. These are best consumed when the plant is young because the older it gets the more bitter it becomes. Once it becomes bitter you can cook with it or mix it with pleasant tasting greens. Leaf spines need to be removed.

Is sow thistle toxic?