How do you use Nzload?

To run the nzload command, you must have the Create External Table privilege and access privileges on the table or database: List, Insert, and Select. You can run multiple nzload commands in parallel to add records to the same or different tables.

What is Nzsql?

The nzsql command invokes a SQL command interpreter on the IBM® Netezza® host or on a IBM Netezza client system. You can use this SQL command interpreter to create database objects, run queries, and manage the database.

How do I run a query in Netezza?

In the Query Name field, specify the name of the custom query. In the Database field, select the database in which you want to run the query from the list. In the Schema field, select the schema where you want to run the query. This option appears only for Netezza systems that support multiple schemas in a database.

How do I log into Netezza?

One you have installed, go to installed folder and execute nzsql.exe program and then supply valid host name, database name, user name and password to connect to Netezza host.

What type of SQL is Netezza?

Several standards relate to the definition of Netezza SQL. SQL-92 (also called SQL/2), is the operative ANSI/ISO standard for relational databases today. While no vendor supports the complete SQL-92 standard, Netezza SQL conforms to all the commonly supported components of SQL-92.

How do I add a user to Netezza?

Use the Netezza CREATE USER command to define a new database user account. You can specify the parameters like password, expire date, default priority etc to the user while creating an account.

Is Netezza a DBMS?

Netezza was added to Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for DBMS in January, 2009.

What is Aginity Workbench for Netezza?

8 Page 2 The Aginity Netezza Workbench is a free software tool which provides basic database querying along with advanced features that helps Netezza administrators and developers harness the power of Netezza.