How do you use Holoholo in a sentence?

To go out for pleasure. Used in a sentence: “I had a stressful week at work, I’m going holoholo this weekend.”

What does POW Hana mean?

to be finished with work
Pau Hana (to be finished with work) Synonymous with happy hour, pau hana is a Hawaiian Pidgin slang for being finished with work, using the word pau, to finish, and hana, to work, in Hawaiian.

What does Faka mean?

to swallow
Verb. faka. (transitive) to swallow. (transitive) to drink very quickly, to bolt down.

What does Pohana mean in Hawaiian?

Updated: Jul. 3, 2015 at 4:29 PM PDT. HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) – The Hawaiian Word of the Day is pa’ahana. The word pa’ahana is made up of two smaller words: pa’a which means to be stuck, and hana, meaning work.

What does Koloa mean in Hawaiian?

Hawaiian duck
noun. a Hawaiian duck, Anas wyvilliana, related to the mallard, having a dusky greenish head and dark chestnut breast. GOOSES. GEESES.

What is Boto pidgin?

For pidgin-illiterates (like the Olive Garden marketing team), boto is slang for a certain body part of Tata’s. So you can imagine how locals reacted to ads proclaiming, “BOTO and a movie . . .

What is white girl in Hawaiian?

Among Hawaiian residents who have descended from various ethnic groups who worked on the plantations (often known as “locals”), “haole” is a term used to describe people of European ancestry. The term itself can be merely descriptive, but some argue that it can be used in a way that is pejorative or discriminatory.

What does Bumbye mean?

later or eventually
”Bumbye (bum-bye): Means later or eventually. For example, “I can’t stop by now but will come bumbye.

What does Kamau mean in Hawaiian?

To keep on, continue, persevere
kāmau / kā. mau / Pukui-Elbert Haw to Eng , 1. vt., To keep on, continue, persevere, last, add a little more. Examples: Kahi pono e kāmau ai ke aho, some goods to keep life going.