How do you use fair and fare in a sentence?

Fair and Fare in a Sentence

  1. Grandma has fared well since her surgery and is going to come to the fair.
  2. The annual garden trade fair starts today, and the fare is only $5.
  3. I gave my fare for the drink to the fair waitress.
  4. He did not play a fair game and at the family-friendly fare.

Is it fare or fair skin?

Fair as an adjective – means pleasing appearance, just and unbiased, light tone complexion. Fare as a verb – To get along, to happen or to go, perform is a specific way, or to succeed.

How do we use fare in a sentence?

Fare sentence example. Clothes don’t fare very well through the transformation. The distance is thirty miles; the fare ninety cents.

Is it not fare or fair?

Should I use fair or fare? Despite having the same pronunciations, these two words are completely different and cannot be freely interchanged. Fair can mean unprejudiced, moderately good, or a type of exhibition. Fare means food or something else people consume or the price of a ticket.

Is it fare share or fair share?

Definition of fair share : a reasonable amount He gets his fair share of attention, too.

What is the example of fare?

Fare is defined as a paying passenger, a fee for transportation or food. An example of fare is someone traveling by train. An example of fare is two dollars someone is charged for traveling by bus. An example of fare is soup in a cafe.

Is it fare well or fair well?

When you send your daughter off to camp, you hope she’ll fare well. That’s why you bid her a fond farewell. When you want to see how something will work out, you want to see how it fares. “Fair” as a verb is a rare word meaning “to smooth a surface to prepare it for being joined to another.”

What is an example of fair?

The definition of fair is someone or something that is light in color, attractive, honest or clear and sunny. An example of fair is blonde hair. An example of fair is a beautiful woman. An example of fair is an unbiased judge.

How does it fare meaning?

In modern usage, to fare usually means “to do” or “to get along“: How did you fare on your exam? I don’t think he’s faring too well in his new job.

Is food fare or fair?

The “fare” is the food itself; the “fair” is the gathering at which it is eaten.

What are the two meanings of fair?

Definition of fair (Entry 1 of 5) 1a : marked by impartiality and honesty : free from self-interest, prejudice, or favoritism a very fair person to do business with. b(1) : conforming with the established rules : allowed. (2) : consonant with merit or importance : due a fair share.