How do you use creak in a sentence?

make a high-pitched, screeching noise.

  1. She heard a floorboard creak upstairs.
  2. The gate gave a loud creak as he pushed it open.
  3. The timbers groan and creak and the floorboards shift.
  4. I heard the floorboards creak as he crept closer.
  5. I heard a creak on the stairs.
  6. The door was pulled open with a creak.

How would you describe a door opening loudly?

creak Add to list Share. To creak is to make a high, groaning sound, like a rusty gate swinging shut. The old, worn floorboards in your house might creak as you walk down the hall. Old doors and gates creak as they open, and tree branches creak as they blow around in very heavy wind.

How would you describe the sound of a door closing?

Slam. We usually use this to describe closing a door very loudly.

What is creaking sound?

: to make a prolonged grating or squeaking sound often as a result of being worn-out also : to proceed slowly with or as if with creaking wheels the story creaks along to a dull conclusion. creak. noun. Definition of creak (Entry 2 of 2) : a rasping or grating noise.

Is creak a real word?

to make a sharp, harsh, grating, or squeaking sound. to move with creaking. to cause to creak.

How do you write a knocking sound on a door?

Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for SOUND OF KNOCKING ON A DOOR [rat-a-tat-tat]

How do you describe a door slamming?

Senior Member. “slam” refers to the impact (the noisy impact) when the door hits the door-frame. Slamming a door is usually accompanied by a loud bang. I suppose if the door hit something noisily as it swung open (such as a wall), you could say that it was “slammed open” but this sounds unusual.

Why does a house creak?

The most common reason for a house to make noises is temperature changes in the air, or what is known as thermal expansion and contraction. The temperature changes cause the wood, metal and other materials in the house structure to expand and contract, resulting in ominous creaks.

What is creaking noise?

: to make a prolonged grating or squeaking sound often as a result of being worn-out also : to proceed slowly with or as if with creaking wheels the story creaks along to a dull conclusion. creak.