How do you use conferred degree in a sentence?
How do you use conferred degree in a sentence?
Sentence examples similar to I was conferred a degree from inspiring English sources
- In addition to their medical doctorate degrees, JL has been conferred an M.P.H. and KA a Ph.
- At commencement exercises at the University of CT in 1999, he was conferred the degree of Doctor of Laws, “honoris causa”.
Can you say conferred with?
When you confer with someone, you discuss something with them in order to make a decision. You can also say that two people confer. He conferred with his colleagues.
In which of the two sentences the word confer is correctly used?
1. She withdrew to confer with her advisers before announcing a decision. 2. I should like some time to confer with my lawyer.
What does conferred upon mean?
to give an official title, honor, or advantage to someone: An honorary doctorate was conferred on him by Columbia University. Thesaurus: synonyms, antonyms, and examples. to give something to someone.
Has been conferred the degree?
At the most basic level, the phrase “conferred degree” means you’ve finished all the academic and administrative requirements of your education program. When your degree is conferred, it shows you are a legal and official graduate of your program.
Which preposition is used with confer?
In this usage, a noun or pronoun is often used between “confer” and “on,” and “upon” can be used in place of “on.” The queen will confer an official title upon him at the ceremony tonight.
What does conferred mean in college?
In order to be conferred you must have completed all academic and practical requirements and have no outstanding debts to the University. From the moment your degree has been conferred, you are an official legal graduate of the University and can use any titles associated with that award.
What is conferring a degree?
Conferral means that the school has officially and legally awarded you an undergraduate or graduate degree. You have fully met the academic and administrative requirements necessary to be awarded a degree, and the school has performed an audit to ensure that this is the case.
What is the base word of conferred?
confer. / (kənˈfɜː) / verb -fers, -ferring or -ferred. (tr; foll by on or upon) to grant or bestow (an honour, gift, etc)