How do you use Collections sort for descending order?

Approach: An ArrayList can be Sorted by using the sort() method of the Collections Class in Java. This sort() method takes the collection to be sorted and Collections. reverseOrder() as the parameter and returns a Collection sorted in the Descending Order.

How do you do descending order in Java?


  1. Start.
  2. Declare an array.
  3. Initialize the array.
  4. Use the Arrays. sort() to sort the elements in ascending order.
  5. Then, use Collections. reverseOrder () to reverse the order.
  6. The updated array now will be in descending order.
  7. Print the updated array.
  8. Stop.

How do you sort ascending and descending in Java?

Just like numeric arrays, you can also sort string array using the sort function. When you pass the string array, the array is sorted in ascending alphabetical order. To sort the array in descending alphabetical order, you should provide the Collections interface method reverseOrder () as the second argument.

Which sorting is used in Collections sort in Java?

So, in the end, Collections#sort uses Arrays#sort (of object elements) behind the scenes. This implementation uses merge sort or tim sort. Show activity on this post. According to the Javadoc, only primitive arrays are sorted using Quicksort.

How do you sort an array in reverse order in Java 8?

3. Using Java 8

  1. Obtain a stream consisting of all elements of the list.
  2. Sort the stream in reverse order using Stream. sorted() method by passing Comparator. reverseOrder() to it that imposes the reverse of the natural ordering.
  3. Collect all elements of sorted stream in a list using Stream. collect() with Collectors.

How do you print an array in descending order?

C Program to Sort an Array in Descending Order

  1. Create an array of fixed size (maximum capacity), lets say 10.
  2. Take n, a variable which stores the number of elements of the array, less than maximum capacity of array.
  3. Iterate via for loop to take array elements as input, and print them.

How can we sort the elements of the array in descending order?

Use the Reverse() method that would eventually give you a sorted array in descending order. Array. Reverse(list); You can try to run the following code to to sort an array in descending order.

How do you convert an array to a descending order?

Arranging the array’s elements from largest to smallest is termed as sorting the array in descending order. First, sort the array using Array. Sort() method which sorts an array ascending order then, reverse it using Array. Reverse() method.

Does Collections sort sort alphabetically?

Collections sort is a method of Java Collections class used to sort a list, which implements the List interface. All the elements in the list must be mutually comparable. If a list consists of string elements, then it will be sorted in alphabetical order.

Does Collections sort sort in place?

Collections. sort() was made to work with any List implementation, and that’s why it’s not working in place (merging LinkedList in place is difficult and sacrifices stability).

Is array sorted descending?

The only way to sort a primitive array in descending order is, first sort the array in ascending order and then reverse the array in place. This is also true for two-dimensional primitive arrays. Convert your primitives to their respective objects.

How do I sort an int array in reverse order?

You can use a reverse Comparator or Collections. reverseOrder() method to sort an object array in descending order e.g. String array, Integer array, or Double array. The Arrays. sort() method is overloaded to accept a Comparator, which can also be a reverse Comparator.