How do you use aggregate awareness in Business Objects?
How do you use aggregate awareness in Business Objects?
To use aggregate awareness in a Universe, you need to arrange objects by aggregation level and objects are built using @aggregate_awareness function. To build aggregated aware objects, you need to first identify the objects: measure or dimension objects.
What is aggregate Awareness in BO?
Aggregate Awareness in BO (@Aggregate_Aware in BO Designer) Aggregate Aware is one of the powerful functions in BO and very common / famous function in Business Objects Designer and reports. It will speeds up the execution of queries, improving the performance of SQL transactions using database Aggregate Tables.
What is the purpose of doing aggregate navigation in SAP po?
below info helps u use aggregate navigation. Description: This function used to increase the performance by directing the report query to select objects form the aggregated table instead of the detailed table. It may be also used to make some objects incompatible with some others.
What is index awareness in SAP BO?
Index awareness is a feature that will help the IDT use key columns while generating SQL queries to speed up data retrieval. The main idea of this feature is to use the available database index. A query based on an indexed database column will retrieve data faster than a normal column.
What is query stripping in SAP BO?
Query stripping is a feature that will remove unused (the objects which are not present in report structure) objects from a query automatically to improve performance and reduce the data contained in the microcube.
What is aggregation in object oriented programming?
Definition of Aggregation in OOPS. Aggregation in OOPS is defined as a relation that exists between two or more two objects which individually have their own individual life cycle along with the ownership.
What is aggregation example?
Aggregation (also known as **containment) is a specialised form of association. It defines a one-way relationship that specifies a ‘has-a’ relationship between two classes. For example, you can say that a wallet has money. However, the money does not need a wallet in order to exist, so the relationship is one-way.
What is query stripping in SAP?
Query stripping is available for relational universes as well as OLAP universes. (4.1 and Up) including universes on SAP HANA. Query stripping is used to optimize performance by automatically rewriting the query to retrieve only objects included in the report. This feature is available in Web Intelligence.
What is aggregation in business communication?
To recap, aggregation is the process of grouping things together. We use aggregation to refer to a group of items as a whole, and to individual items as part of the whole.