How do you use Absorene?

Absorene Book and Paper Cleaner You remove a small amount and warm it with your hands, then rub the ball in one direction on the pages of the book, or over a cloth bound cover. Its slight magic comes from its ability to remove film left by cigarette smoke, along with some of the smell.

How do you use a soot eraser?

Apply liberally, according to directions, onto surface wash from the bottom up (this reduces streaking). Be sure to use a plastic drop cloth under work area to avoid staining of unaffected areas. Wash and wipe down surfaces with a regular, wet sponge. Wash and wipe down surfaces with clean, Microfiber cloths.

Is there a way to clean comic books?

A dry cleaning sponge will help to pull external color from the cover or pages of a comic book. Like a Magic Eraser, an Absorene eraser pad will take any sort of discoloration out of the picture. This is a smooth process, but does require careful application.

Can I use Magic Eraser on my teeth?

Please do not ever use a Magic Eraser or melamine sponge on your teeth or skin. This is a dangerous trend that can cause irreparable damage!

What surfaces can you use Magic Eraser on?

While you can use your Magic Eraser sponge on a (non-glossy) painted wall or other surface, avoid using it on untreated or “natural” finished wood, like wood paneling or stained furniture.

Are Magic Erasers just melamine foam?

According to and Wikipedia, melamine foam (and by extension, Magic Erasers) are simply a foam-like material made of a formaldehyde–melamine–sodium bisulfite copolymer.

How do you get the musty smell out of comic books?

Place a cup of baking soda or an opened box in a plastic box or bin with a lid. Put the book in the box with the baking soda and close the lid. Leave it for 48-72 hours, then check on the book. Repeat until the odor is gone.