How do you use a hot shot fogger?


  1. Place a chair, table or stand in the center of the room to be fogged. Cover with several layers of newspaper or paper towels.
  2. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USING. Tilt sprayer AWAY from face (fogger can sprays up).
  3. Close door(s) and hang “Fogger in Use” tag on doorknob.

How long do you leave Hot Shot fogger?

WORKS IN 2 HOURS: Keep treated areas closed and do not re-enter for at least two hours. KILLS LISTED PESTS: This product kills brown dog ticks, carpenter ants, crickets, firebrats, fleas, gnats, houseflies, mosquitoes, roaches, silverfish, spiders and waterbugs.

How long do you have to be gone after setting off a bug bomb?

2-4 hours
Most foggers or bombs recommend that you are out of the home for 2-4 hours followed by at least 1/2 hour of venting the home by opening the windows. Most insecticide spray products recommend that you stay out of the treated area until it has had time to dry.

How long should you wait to enter a room after fogging?

Safe use of these products requires that everyone, including pets, leave the treated space and close the doors after foggers have been released. Stay out until the time indicated on the label has passed, usually two to four hours. Prematurely entering the treated premises may lead to illness.

Should you cover electronics when bug bombing?

Even the appliances that are plugged like refrigerators should be unplugged to keep it protected. If you have gas appliances, don’t forget to cover it and even turn it off for safety purposes. These are the other things you need to cover when you are using a bug bomb.

What do I need to cover when using a fogger?

Cover Surfaces Cover any furniture, objects or other surfaces to protect them from the harsh chemicals found in bug bombs. Use sheets, towels, tarps or other coverings that you may have on hand. Place all food and perishable items in a safe, concealed location.

Do I have to unplug my fridge to bug bomb?

Foggers are used when pests are present and if you plan to have your home fogged, you need to know that unplugging a refrigerator is a must. Unplugging refrigerators will prevent accidents from happening since chemicals released by foggers are flammable.

What should you do before fogging your house?

Open cupboards, drawers, and closets that need treatment. If your bedroom and kitchen area are part of the areas that need to be fogged, make sure to cover your clothes, bed, food, and kitchen utensils. You can use plastic, cloth, or newspaper to cover or seal these things or remove them completely if possible.

Can I sleep in room after bug bomb?

Never let your family or even your pets be present when you are spraying because you might put them at high risk. Also, after you have bug bombed even one room, you still have to vacate the house and wait for 2 to 4 hours before entering again.

What should I cover when fogging my house?

Cover floors, especially waxed wood floors, with disposable tarps, plastic sheeting or old newspapers. Move furniture on carpeted areas off the carpet, if possible. Move indoor plants and any delicate pieces of furniture outside to keep them away from the toxic fumes.