How do you unlock Smoke in Mortal Kombat 3 SNES?
How do you unlock Smoke in Mortal Kombat 3 SNES?
Smoke is a secret character in Mortal Kombat 3 and can be unlocked by inputting a special code on the “Game Over” screen. Legend: LP = Low Punch, HP = High Punch, LK = Low Kick, HK = High Kick, BL = Block, X = number of times, P1 or P2 = player one or player 2 All Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Video Move Lists –
How do you unlock Shao Kahn in MK3?
Let the computer defeat you through all 5 original kredits. Just after losing the second fight of the 5th match, push START on the second controller. This will take you to the play mode screen. Let Shao Kahn laugh 3 times at this screen and you will automatically be entered into the first option, Mortal Kombat.
How do you do Fatalities in MK3?
Fatality 1: Back, Forward, Down, Down, Run. Fatality 2: (Hold Run + Block) Up, Up, Back, Down, (Release Run + Block). Animality: (Hold Low Punch) Back, Forward, Down, Forward, (Release Low Punch). Babality: Down, Down, Forward, Low Kick.
How do you do Smoke in Mortal Kombat?
In Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks, Smoke (still in his human form, the game having been intended to take place during the first two tournaments) challenges the player to complete 5 missions. Doing so will unlock Mortal Kombat II.
How do you unlock Noob Saibot in Mortal Kombat 3?
To play as Noob Saibot, you must be playing against another human opponent. Pick Kano and, immediately before round 1 starts, hold Back + Low Punch + Low Kick + High Punch + Block. If done correctly, Kano should explode into Noob Saibot.
How do you unlock Noob saibot MK3?
How do you unlock ermac in Mortal Kombat 3?
UKK is 12344-44321. In the iOS version, to unlock Ermac the player needs to beat Arcade Mode on Warrior or above difficulty and then pick the treasure that has the Ying Yang symbol.
How do you start a Mortal Kombat 3 match?
Enter the following after the bell rings at the Mortal Kombat 3 logo: Contributed By: Undergrads2003. At the start screen, press the following: Contributed By: KasketDarkfyre. At the versus screen before the match, Player 1 enters the 1st 3 digits while Player 2 enters the last 3.
How to play as smoke in Mortal Kombat 3?
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 Cheats. 1 Play as Smoke. advertisement. To play as Smoke, push the d-pad LEFT while holding the A button on the copyright screen. Then push the d-pad RIGHT 2 Kool Stuff Menu. 3 8-on-8 Endurance Match. 4 Screwed-up Sheeva. 5 Sound Test.
How do I add custom notes to Mortal Kombat 3?
Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. Enter the following after the bell rings at the Mortal Kombat 3 logo: Contributed By: Undergrads2003.