How do you treat vocal cord nodules?

Nodules are typically treated conservatively with voice therapy and behavioral modification under the guidance of a speech language pathologist. Surgery is reserved for refractory lesions or in situations where vocal needs are not being met with voice therapy alone.

Are vocal nodules serious?

But, are vocal cord nodules dangerous? They’re benign (non-cancerous) bumps, and can be likened to calluses you get on your hands. Your next question may be, “can vocal cord nodules become cancerous?” Typically, benign nodules go away if you practice voice therapy or rest your voice.

Do vocal cord nodules go away on their own?

In many cases, vocal nodules will shrink and go away naturally – assuming you follow your doctor’s orders and rest your voice for the recommended amount of time. This means no yelling, singing, talking (even whispering) so your vocal nodules have time to shrink and heal naturally.

Do vocal nodules always need surgery?

They make your voice hoarse and change the sound of your voice. These small, benign (non-cancerous) nodules usually go away again if you rest your voice or do voice therapy. Surgery is only very rarely needed.

How long does it take to recover from vocal nodules surgery?

If your vocal cords were affected during the procedure, rest your voice completely for 3 days. If nodules or other lesions were removed from your vocal cords, you may have to follow total voice rest (no talking, whispering, or making any other voice sounds) for up to 2 weeks.

How common are vocal cord nodules?

Anyone can get vocal nodules, including children. But these growths are more likely to form in women between the ages of 20 and 50 and in boys. The increased risk in these groups of people may have to do with the size of their larynx. Nodules are also a common problem among singers.

How long is recovery after vocal cord surgery?

How do you get rid of vocal nodules naturally?

Vocal Cord Nodules Treatment at Home

  1. Use a humidifier or vaporizer to introduce moisture in the air.
  2. Drink extra fluids like water or juice to hydrate your body.
  3. Avoid dehydrating drinks like coffee and alcohol.
  4. If you have airborne allergies, ask your doctor what medications may help or use an air purifier.

Can you talk after vocal cord surgery?

Your doctor may ask you to speak as little as you can for 1 to 2 weeks after the procedure. If you speak, use your normal tone of voice and do not talk for very long. Whispering or shouting can strain your vocal cords as they are trying to heal. Try to avoid coughing or clearing your throat while your throat heals.