How do you treat papaya leaf curl virus?

There is no chemical treatment for viral infections. However, holding the population of whiteflies in check can reduce the severity of the infection. Soil application at the time of sowing and 4-5 foliar sprays of dimethoate or metasystox at an interval of 10 days can effectively control whitefly populations.

Which is the symptoms of leaf curl of papaya?

Papaya leaf curl disease Curling, crinkling and distortion of leaves, reduction of leaf lamina, rolling of leaf margins inward and downward, thickening of veins. Leaves become leathery, brittle and distorted. Plants stunted. Affected plants does not produce flowers and fruits.

Why is my papaya leaves curling?

It could be papaya leaf curl disease caused by papaya leaf curl virus. It is mainly transmitted by whiteflies. The main symptoms are downward and inward rolling of top leaves and thickening of veins. The leaves become leathery, brittle and distorted.

Which pathogen is produced leaf curl disease of papaya?

Papaya leaf curl disease was first reported in India in 1939 (1). Caused by begomovirus, Papaya leaf curl virus (PaLCV) (2), this disease was discovered in the papaya orchards of southern Taiwan in 2002. Infected papaya developed symptoms such as downward curling of leaves, twisted petioles, vein enation, and stunting.

How can papaya disease be controlled?

Disease can be controlled through the use of appropriate protective fungicides such as mancozeb or copper sulfate; root rot in seedlings can be prevented by planting in holes filled with soil in which papaya has never been grown – by the time the roots extend out of the added soil the plant is no longer susceptible to …

How is papaya disease treated?

Before papaya flowers appear or just as they appear, preventative fungicides may help control papaya anthracnose. Use a fungicide containing Copper hydroxide, Mancozeb, Azoxystrobin or Bacillus. Spray the orchard with the fungicide every two to four weeks.

How can papaya virus be controlled?

The most effective treatment was application of neem oil 1% + Dimethoate 1.05% with least disease incidence (6.66%) and 41.66% respectively at 60 and 150 DAP.

What is the best fertilizer for papaya tree?

A 14-14-14 fertilizer, given in four-ounce increments every six months, is the finest fertilizer for papaya trees. Compost is a great option since it not only provides nitrogen to the papaya tree but also enhances drainage and generates wet, rich soil.

How is papaya mosaic virus treated?

Disinfect working tools or heat them in an oven at 150°C for 1 hour to kill the virus. Working tools or gloves can also be dipped in 0.525% sodium hypochlorite and then rinsed in water.

What is the best fungicide for papaya?


Fungicides used to treat Papaya Diseases
Anthracnose Leaf Spot
Chlorothalonil, Copper oxychloride, Copper Sulfate (basic), Copper hydroxide, Mancozeb, Maneb, Maneb + Zinc, Sulfur + Copper Sulfate Mancozeb
Maneb + Zinc

Is Epsom salt good for papaya?

Remedy this by mixing one tablespoon of natural, organic, Epsom salts per one litre warm water and spray the plant leaves with this to give them a magnesium-rich, foliar feed once a month until the problem is resolved and once every three months thereafter to help stay them in good health.

How do you stop mosaic virus?

How to Control Mosaic Viruses

  1. Remove all infected plants and destroy them. Do NOT put them in the compost pile, as the virus may persist in infected plant matter.
  2. Monitor the rest of your plants closely, especially those that were located near infected plants.
  3. Disinfect gardening tools after every use.