How do you treat OCD lesions in horses?

Usually the best treatment is surgical removal of the abnormal bone and cartilage. The most common technique used to remove OCD fragments is arthroscopy (Figure 3).

What happens if osteochondritis dissecans is left untreated?

If left untreated, osteochondritis dissecans can damage the cartilage in the joint, and loose pieces of bone and cartilage may even break off into the joint. In the long term, untreated osteochondritis dissecans can also lead to arthritis. Osteochondritis dissecans most commonly affects the knee, ankle and elbow.

How long does it take to recover from osteochondritis dissecans?

Osteochondritis dissecans happens most often in the knee, elbow, or ankle. It usually takes 3 months or longer to heal completely. If it heals completely, kids who have it usually don’t have any long-lasting problems.

How do you prevent OCD in horses?

The provision of a correctly balanced diet (not only to the weanling and yearling but also and perhaps more importantly to the pregnant and lactating mare) containing the appropriate levels of vitamins, minerals and trace elements is helpful for the prevention of OCD.

How do you prevent osteochondritis dissecans?


  1. Resting your joint. Avoid activities that stress your joint, such as jumping and running if your knee is affected.
  2. Physical therapy. Most often, this therapy includes stretching, range-of-motion exercises and strengthening exercises for the muscles that support the involved joint.

Does osteochondritis dissecans get worse?

Osteochondritis dissecans can increase your risk of eventually developing osteoarthritis in that joint.

Can osteochondritis heal itself?

If the loosened piece of cartilage and bone stays in place, you may have few or no symptoms. For young children whose bones are still developing, the injury might heal by itself. Surgery might be necessary if the fragment comes loose and gets caught between the moving parts of your joint or if you have persistent pain.

Can OCD be cured by surgery?

Bilateral cingulotomy is a type of brain surgery considered a last resort for people with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). It is also used to treat major depression and occasionally chronic pain for persons who haven’t found relief from any other form of therapy.

How serious is osteochondritis dissecans?

Complications. Osteochondritis dissecans can increase your risk of eventually developing osteoarthritis in that joint.

Does osteochondritis dissecans require surgery?

Many cases of JOCD can be completely healed with careful treatment. OCD will probably never completely heal, but it can be treated. There are two methods of treating JOCD: nonsurgical treatment to help the lesions heal, and surgery. Surgery is usually the only effective treatment for OCD.