How do you traverse a character array?

Way 1: Using a Naive Approach

  1. Get the string.
  2. Create a character array of the same length as of string.
  3. Traverse over the string to copy character at the i’th index of string to i’th index in the array.
  4. Return or perform the operation on the character array.

How do you traverse a character array in C++?

First, declaring the Character Array and then assigning the size of the Array. Then, we declare two variables, one string type, and another int type….Char array to string in C++

  1. Using ‘c_str()’ and ‘strcpy()’ function.
  2. using a ‘for’ loop.
  3. ‘while’ loop,
  4. ‘=’ operator from the string class.
  5. using custom function.

What is the difference between char pointer and char array?

arr is a collection of characters stored at a contiguous memory location whereas ptr holds the address of the character. See the above image, arr which contains 12 elements and each element is on a contiguous memory location. On the other hand, ptr hold the address of the first character of strings literal.

How do you loop through every character in a string?


  1. Using Naive Approach.
  2. Using String. toCharArray() method.
  3. Using CharacterIterator.
  4. Using StringTokenizer.
  5. Using String. split() method.
  6. Using Guava Library.
  7. Using String. chars() method.
  8. Using Code Points.

How do you loop through a string?

For loops are used when you know you want to visit every character. For loops with strings usually start at 0 and use the string’s length() for the ending condition to step through the string character by character. String s = “example”; // loop through the string from 0 to length for(int i=0; i < s.

What does char * [] mean in C?

char* means a pointer to a character. In C strings are an array of characters terminated by the null character.

Can you loop through a string?