How do you spell Picturization?

verb (used with object), pic·tur·ized, pic·tur·iz·ing. to represent in a picture, especially in a motion picture; make a picture of.

What do you mean by Picturization?

Definition of picturize transitive verb. : to make a picture of : present in pictures especially : to make into a motion picture picturize a novel.

What is a spelling in word?

Definition of spelling 1 : the forming of words from letters according to accepted usage : orthography. 2a : a sequence of letters composing a word. b : the way in which a word is spelled.

What is spelling and example?

Spelling is defined as the proper way to write a word, using the correct order of letters. An example of spelling is the spelling of the word “cat” as “C” “A” “T.” An example of spelling is when you actually say or write the letters of the word “cat.” noun.

What is Picturization in Theatre?

A definition Picturization is storytelling by a group of actors. It is brought about by the combined use of composition, gesture and improvisation with properties for the specific purpose of animating the dramatic action.

What is the synonym of envision?

Some common synonyms of envision are conceive, envisage, fancy, imagine, realize, and think.

What is composition and Picturization?

Composition is the physical arrangement of actors. with, or to, each other. . . . Picturization is the meaning that is being sug- gested through that arrangement” (R. H. O’Neill and N. M. Boretz, The. M.F. Monta et al., Directing for Stage and Screen.

What is Picturization in directing?

Picturization is the process by which we add meaning. It is a name for the elements we add to the scene—before we add dialogue or movement—to tell the story. Picturization tries to get across subtext—the meaning that may or may not be supported by the words.

What is the 90 spelling?

90 in words is ninety.

What is the spelling of 90?

Hence, 90 in words is ninety.