How do you spell analyze in Australia?

British and Australian: Analyse. American: Analyze.

Is analyze British or American?

The differences in British and American spelling

analyse analyze
breathalyse breathalyze
paralyse paralyze

What is the British way of spelling organisation?

Therefore, ‘organisation’ remains the correct form in the U.K. and all of its former colonies and dependencies where English is spoken, whereas ‘organization’, with a Z’, is only correct in the United States.

How do you spell organisation in Australia?

While American English uses ‘ize’, ‘izi’ and ‘iza’ in words like ‘organize’, ‘organizing’ and ‘organization’, Australian/British English uses ‘ise’, ‘isi’ and ‘isa’, as in ‘organise’, ‘organising’ and ‘organisation’.

Is it analyze or analyse?

Conclusion on Analyse or Analyze / Analysing or Analyzing As an easy rule of thumb, remember that analyse is used in British English, while analyze is used in American English.

Which is correct organising or organizing?

Organise and organize are different spellings of the same word. Organize is the preferred spelling in the U.S. and Canada, and organise is more common outside North America. This extends to all the word’s derivatives, including organized/organised, organizing/organising, and organization/organisation.

What is correct spelling analyse or analyze?

The short answer is that it depends on whether you’re writing for a British audience or an American audience. Analyze is standard in American English, while analyse is standard in British English. In this article, we’ll teach you the difference between analyse and analyze and show you when to use each word.

How do you spell analyse or analyze?

Analyze is preferred in American and Canadian English. Analyse is the preferred spelling outside North America. There are no other differences between analyze and analyse.

Is it Organisational or organizational?

They are alternative spellings of the same word, both being used in British English and only one being used in American English. Both words can be used in British English.

Is organisation Spelt with AS or Z?

OrganiSation or OrganiZation – the great Atlantic debate Organisation or Organization – So which is correct? Both, with z being the preferred according to the dictionaries in both the US & UK.

How do you spell analyze in England?

You’ll never see analyze in British English. Verbs in British English end in –yse, not –yze. Therefore, in British English, you’ll write, “He analyses the data”, “She analysed the data”, and “They are analysing the data”.