How do you Speedread someone?

A new book shows how to apply the classic Myers-Briggs personality types to communicate more effectively in the workplace. Paul Tieger and Barbara Barron-Tieger, in their new book The Art of Speedreading People, give valuable tips on how to quickly estimate which personality type your dealing with.

Is speed reading really a thing?

Can you learn to read faster? Absolutely. But you won’t understand what you’ve read nearly as well if at all. Most educated people can read at approximately the same rate an auctioneer speaks (between 250 to 400 words per minute) with good comprehension.

Do speed readers understand what they read?

But claims that people can triple their reading speed or more (e.g., reading more than 15,000 words per minute, which is equivalent to reading a college-level textbook in less than 6 minutes) are dubious. Studies have found that these speed readers don’t fully grasp the material.

Can someone really read 20000 words per minute?

If you’re a slow reader, you may read at closer to 125 to 200 words per minute. This means reading 20,000 words will take you between 1.7 and 2.7 hours.

Can fast reading guarantee comprehension?

Effective speed reading is a balance between pace and comprehension. Studies have found that the faster you read, the less information you take in, particularly when it comes to remembering detail.

What does it mean if you are a fast reader?

Speed reading is the process of rapidly recognizing and absorbing phrases or sentences on a page all at once, rather than identifying individual words.

Why do I read so fast?

One of the reasons some people read faster than others is because they have a firmer grip on the concepts, sentence structure and vocabulary of the book. They don’t have to stop, and read sentences over and over again — something called regression.