How do you solve the pillar puzzle in Shroud Hearth Barrow?

The door from the screenshot seems unlocked, and in the room behind that door is the answer. The right combination from left to right is: “Whale, Hawk, Snake, Whale”. This will lower the bridge.

How do you open the secret door in Shroud Hearth Barrow?

In order to operate the door, and continue exploring the barrow, you will need the Sapphire Dragon Claw. This can be obtained by giving Wilhelm, the innkeeper in Ivarstead, Wyndelius Gatharian’s journal. In order to find the journal, go back to the last room and open the other door.

What is the code for the Sapphire Claw?

Sapphire Dragon Claw
Type Misc Item
Weight 0.5
Base Value 500
ID 00663d7

What claw is needed for Shroud Hearth Barrow?

The Sapphire Dragon Claw
The Sapphire Dragon Claw is used to open a door in Shroud Hearth Barrow, and is acquired by completing the miscellaneous objective Investigate Shroud Hearth Barrow. In order to obtain this item, speak to Wilhelm, the innkeeper at the Vilemyr Inn in Ivarstead.

How do I escape Shroud Hearth Barrow?

On your way out you’ll need to reconfigure the levers to open a gate that now blocks your exit. In another room you’ll find a door that requires the Sapphire Dragon Claw to open. Return the journal and you’ll be rewarded with the dragon claw and the miscellaneous objective will be completed.

Where is the Sapphire Claw puzzle?

The Sapphire Dragon Claw is used to open a door in Shroud Hearth Barrow, and is acquired by completing the miscellaneous objective Investigate Shroud Hearth Barrow. In order to obtain this item, speak to Wilhelm, the innkeeper at the Vilemyr Inn in Ivarstead.

Do you need sapphire dragon claw?

Once you’ve used the Sapphire Dragon Claw in Shroud Hearth Barrow, you don’t need it anymore.

What’s the combination to the door in Skyrim?

The answer is Snake, Snake, Fish, which allows you to safely pull the lever, raise the gate and progress.