How do you size a Nomograph for pipes?

To use the nomogram, draw a straight line across the entire nomogram, intersecting the scale for the two known quantities. In the example shown by the red line below, the desired Velocity of 25 feet per second and the desired Flow of 10 Gallons per minute were known.

What is the flow for water in pipe?

Water Flow (GPM/GPH) based on Pipe Size and Inside/Outside Diameters

Assume Average Pressure (20-100PSI). About 12 f/s flow velocity
1″ 1 – 1.03″ 37
1-1/4″ 1.25 – 1.36″ 62
1-1/2″ 1.5 – 1.6″ 81
2″ 1.95 – 2.05″ 127

How much flow is in a pipe?

Here are the average water flow rates based on typical municipal water lines: ½-inch pipe: 50 gallons per minute. ¾-inch pipe: 110 gallons per minute. 1-inch pipe: 210 gallons per minute.

What is the maximum flow of water through a pipe?

Maximum water flow capacities in steel pipes – pipe dimensions ranging 2 – 24 inches.

Pipe Size (inch) Maximum Flow (gal/min) Velocity (ft/s)
2 1/2 75 5.0
3 130 5.6
4 260 6.6
6 800 8.9

How do you read a nomograph?

A nomograph is defined as a graph, usually containing three parallel scales graduated for different variables so that when a straight line connects values of any two, the related value may be read directly from the third vertical line at the point intersected by the line.

What is a good pipe velocity?

What is a ‘good’ pipe velocity? An installation engineer chooses pumps and sizes pipework to achieve a satisfactory pipe velocity. For water-like liquids with no entrained solids (for example: chemicals, paints, petrol, beverages), a pipe velocity of about 1 – 2 m/s is considered an acceptable value.

What does a nomograph measure?

nomogram, also called nomograph, calculating chart with scales that contain values of three or more mathematical variables, widely used in medicine, engineering, industry, and the biological and physical sciences.

What is meant by nomogram?

Listen to pronunciation. (NAH-moh-gram) A mathematical device or model that shows relationships between things. For example, a nomogram of height and weight measurements can be used to find the surface area of a person, without doing the math, to determine the right dose of chemotherapy.