How do you say Merry Christmas in Hawaiian?

Do you know how to wish someone a merry Christmas in the Hawaii? You say, “Mele Kalikimaka.”

Is there a Hawaiian Christmas song?

“Mele Kalikimaka” (pronounced [ˈmɛlɛ kəˌlikiˈmɐkə]) is a Hawaiian-themed Christmas song written in 1949 by R. Alex Anderson.

How do Hawaiians celebrate Christmas?

Families feast on Kālua pig Families and communities gather in their backyards or at the beach for a festive feast or traditional luau. Christmas for Hawaiians means feasting on a Kālua pig. Kālua is a traditional style of cooking that involves an “Imu” or underground oven.

How do you say happy holidays in Hawaii?

Most people are used to saying “Merry Christmas,” or “Happy Holidays,” but anyone that’s grown up around here says—and hears—the phrase “Mele Kalikimaka” at this time of year.

What is Santa in Hawaiian?

Hau kea – snow. Hau’oli – joy or happy. Hoku – star. Kanakaloka – Santa Claus.

Do Hawaiians have Christmas trees?

Christmas trees arrive by ship Hawaiians also like to decorate palm trees with Christmas lights to bring some festive spirit to town.

What do Hawaiians eat for Xmas?

Sometimes Christmas dinner consists of a traditional lu’au, complete with a pig roasted in an underground pit, chicken long rice (chicken noodle soup, Hawaiian style), lomilomi salmon, and poi. A less formal get-together is called kanikapila (kah-nee-kah-PEE-lah), which means “to make music”.

What do Hawaiians eat on Christmas Day?

Those of us who are used to mainland US or European dinners during the Christmas holidays may be intrigued by the foods that people in Hawaii eat for Hawaiian Christmas dinner. Instead of a turkey or ham, they eat a roasted pig called a kalua pig. This is a popular main dish for events and celebrations.

What does a Hawaiian Christmas look like?

Hot weather, sandy beaches and indigenous culture has influenced some unusual Hawaiian Christmas traditions. Many Hawaiians swap pine trees for palm trees and snowmen for sand men. Locals wear shorts and Hawaiian shirts and eat sticky rice instead of potato.