How do you say home for website in Spanish?

There are probabaly several ways as in English, but página inicial is one term that I have seen.

What is the Spanish word for website?

sitio web

Principal Translations
Inglés Español
website, web site, Web site n (internet page, pages) sitio web loc nom m
web nf Exemplos: la mesa, una tabla.
página nf Exemplos: la mesa, una tabla.

How do you say a website address in Spanish?

  1. web address dirección f de Internet.
  2. web app aplicación f web.
  3. web browser navegador m de Internet.
  4. web page página f web.
  5. web surfer internauta mf ⧫ cibernauta mf.
  6. Web 2.0 web f 2.0.

What’s another word for home in Spanish?

Key Takeaways: Spanish Words for Home Despite their differences, hogar and casa are often interchangeable when referring to a place where someone lives. “House” and “home” as adjectives can often be translated as casero or hogareño.

What is the meaning of la casa?

home. More meanings for la casa. the house.

How do you get Spanish websites?

Using Google to Find Spanish-Language Websites One of the best methods for finding Spanish-Language websites through a Google search is to use Spanish words and phrases as your search terms. If you need English-language translations for the websites, on the results page, click on “Search Tools” at the top of the page.

How do you say home in Latin?

Domus (Home) – The Latin Dictionary.

Does Encanto mean home?

Per SpanishDict, encanto translates in English to charm or enchantment. It can also be used as a term of endearment, or to refer to a charming person. In the beginning of the film, Abuela and Mirabel describe the entire valley where they live, including Casita and the town, as a place of wonder, or an encanto.

Is there a Spanish version of Encanto?

“ENCANTO” RELEASED IN SPANISH in the USA Given the setting, which is a Spanish-speaking country, it makes sense to release the film in Spanish as well. That’s why the publication of “Encanto” in Spanish across the United States on November 24, 2021, was so intriguing.