How do you say good morning in rainy season?

Good Morning! This rainy season, I wish that the drops of rain drench you with happiness and contentment for life. Happy Rainy Day and a very Good Morning! I hope that you never fall short of a cup of tea or coffee this rainy morning and the warmth of the cup to warm your soul.

What to say to her when it’s raining?

9 romantic rain quotes

  • Love, like rain, can nourish from above, drenching couples with a soaking joy.
  • You are my love, the one that I want to be with when it is raining, the one I truly desire.
  • I love the rain as much as I love you.
  • You can call me rain for all I seem to do is always fall on you.

What can I text him to brighten his day?

I’m going to rub your back when you get home from work today.

  • I miss your face.
  • I’ve had a stressful day and all I want to do is fall asleep in your arms.
  • I’m still laughing at that joke you told me last night.
  • Thank you for being you.
  • Just thinking about your smile 🙂
  • You make me feel so lucky.
  • How do you greet a rainy day?

    6 English Greetings for a Rainy Day

    1. #1) “Nice weather, huh?”
    2. #2) “It’s raining cats and dogs today.”
    3. 3) “Can you believe this weather?”
    4. 4)”Man, it’s really downpouring out there.”
    5. 5) “It’s really coming down out there”
    6. #6) “Stay dry!”

    How do I text good morning to my lover?

    100 Sweet Good Morning Text Messages for Him

    1. “Good morning, you sexy thing!
    2. “I woke up this morning, and you instantly crossed my mind.
    3. “I miss you as soon as the door closes every morning.
    4. “With you, in my bed, all my dreams can come true!
    5. “Just to check if the most handsome guy woke up?”

    What do they say about rainy days?

    “Life’s not about waiting for the storm to pass… It’s about Learning To Dance In The Rain.” “The best thing one can do when it’s raining is to let it rain.” “Do not, on a rainy day, ask your child what he feels like doing, because I assure you that what he feels like doing, you won’t feel like watching.”