How do you say discount in Italian?

Italian translation of ‘discount’

  1. a discount for students una riduzione per studenti.
  2. a twenty per cent discount uno sconto del venti per cento.
  3. to buy at a discount comprare a prezzo scontato.
  4. to give sb a discount on sth fare uno sconto a qn su qc.
  5. discount for cash sconto cassa inv.
  6. discount rate tasso di sconto.

What does poquito poquito?

poquito Noun. poquito, el ~ (m) (poco) a little bit, the ~ Noun. little, the ~ Noun.

What haggle means in Spanish?

1. (= bargain) regatear. to haggle over the price regatear ⧫ regatear el precio. 2. (= argue) discutir.

What does sale mean slang?

verb. (slang) To cheat or dupe. verb. To have or offer regularly for sale; deal in.

What is Trae English?

trae. -he/she brings. ,you bring.

Is it un poco or poquito?

Un poquito is the diminutive of un poco. When you say un poco you’re saying “a bit” / “a little”. When you say un poquito you’re saying a little less than that; “a little bit”.

Does Poco mean little?

But the definition of the word “poco” = “little” in English.

What is another word for sale?


  • auction.
  • business.
  • buying.
  • deal.
  • demand.
  • marketing.
  • purchase.
  • reduction.

What does U Sold mean in slang?

adjective. sold on slang uncritically attached to or enthusiastic about.

Does Poco change to Poca?

As an adjective, measures the amount of a certain object, number of objects or group of people. When working as an adjective, ‘poco’ has feminine (poca) and plural (pocos / pocas) forms. It means ‘few’ or ‘little’. Poquito is the diminutive form of ‘poco’.

What does pica mean in Spanish slang?


From To Via
• pica → pickaxepickaxpick-axe ↔ Pickel
• pica → spade ↔ Pik
• pica → pike ↔ Pike
• pica → pika ↔ pika