How do you return a Boolean value in Java?
How do you return a Boolean value in Java?
Java Boolean equals() method The equals() method of Java Boolean class returns a Boolean value. It returns true if the argument is not null and is a Boolean object that represents the same Boolean value as this object, else it returns false.
How do you return a string in a boolean method?
toString(boolean b) returns a String object representing the specified boolean. If the specified boolean is true, then the string “true” will be returned, otherwise the string “false” will be returned.
What does a boolean method return?
The boolean method converts the value of object1 to Boolean, and returns true or false.
How do you pass a Boolean value as a parameter in Java?
In Java all parameters are passed by reference, even Strings and booleans! boolean newb = true ; b = newb; then the reference to the object b is changed to a new object.
How do you return a value from a method?
You declare a method’s return type in its method declaration. Within the body of the method, you use the return statement to return the value. Any method declared void doesn’t return a value. It does not need to contain a return statement, but it may do so.
What does return 1 do in Java?
Your method has no return type, Provide a return type of int in your method. And return -1 means nothing in java, you are just returning a int value, thats it.
How do you return a string in Java?
- public static void main(String[] args) { // take input. Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.
- String str = scan. nextLine(); // reverse the string.
- // display result string. System. out.
- String rev = new String(); for(int i=s. length()-1; i>=0; i–){
- // On every iteration new string. // object will be created.
- } return rev;
How do you return a string as true or false in Java?
Let’s see the simple example of converting String to boolean in java.
- public class StringToBooleanExample{
- public static void main(String args[]){
- String s1=”true”;
- String s2=”TRue”;
- String s3=”ok”;
- boolean b1=Boolean.parseBoolean(s1);
- boolean b2=Boolean.parseBoolean(s2);
- boolean b3=Boolean.parseBoolean(s3);
What is return in Java?
The return keyword finished the execution of a method, and can be used to return a value from a method.
How can I return multiple values from a function in Java?
5 ways to return multiple values from a method in Java
- Using a POJO class instance. This is the most commonly used method to return multiple values from a method in Java.
- Using javafx. util.
- Return an array of specific type or an object array.
- Return a Collection.