How do you reset your stats on Call of Duty?
How do you reset your stats on Call of Duty?
The only known way to reset your stats is to get to the maximum prestige and use a prestige token to reset yourself back to level 1. The stats are tracked centrally as part of the Call of Duty Elite service, so there’s no way to mod your client to change them.
How do I reset my Activision KD?
No, you can’t reset your account even though that’s been an option in every other CoD game. Instead, if you want to start over, create a new account so you don’t need to unlock everything again.
Why did my rank decrease in CoD?
Answer: Stats and rank issues can occur for a variety of reasons, including: Playing on a Wi-Fi connection — Wireless connections tend to be unstable and can lead to data loss. Playing on a shared connection — Data loss can occur over shared connections, such as institutional (school) or corporate networks.
Can you reset your Activision account?
Resetting your password through password recovery If you forgot the password to your Activision account, follow these steps to reset it. Go to the Activision account password recovery page. Enter the email address that was used to create your account and select SUBMIT.
Why does CoD reset your rank?
Answer: If your stats and rank become altered or modified outside of normal game mechanics, the Call of Duty servers will attempt to restore them using the most recently stored backup. This means that your stats and rank might not be exactly where they were before the reset occurred.
How do I reset my KD?
The KD is registered with the character on the Activision servers, and today the only way to restart your KD is by creating a new character and starting from scratch.
How do I make a new CoD account?
The in-game Account Creation screen requires you to enter a Display Name, a valid email address, and a password. You’ll also need to set your region and decide whether or not you’d like to receive marketing emails before confirming your account. You can also create an account online.