How do you reset a Braun Thermoscan?

reset the thermo- meter by removing the battery and then replacing it again. … call Braun Infoline (see page 2). Battery is low, but thermometer will still operate correctly.

How do you unlock a Braun tympanic thermometer?

Upon expiration of the time limit, the unlocked icon and countdown timer will be replaced with the locked icon and the thermometer will beep once every 5 minutes to indicate locked state. Unlock the thermometer by returning it to the charging station.

How do you reset Braun Thermoscan to Celsius?

While the device is powered OFF, press and hold the sound MODE button for 4 seconds. 2. The screen will change to show °C or °F. Press the sound mode button one more time to change from Fahrenheit to Celsius.

How do you convert a thermometer from Celsius to Fahrenheit?

To convert a reading in Celsius to Fahrenheit, multiply your reading by 1.8 and add 32. For example, if your thermometer reads 45 degrees C, your reading in Fahrenheit would be (45 x 1.8 = 81 + 32) or 113 degrees F.

How do you reset a digital ear thermometer?

Reset your Smart Ear Thermometer:

  1. Slide the battery cover down then pull it away to expose the battery compartment.
  2. Remove the batteries.
  3. Wait 10 seconds.
  4. Put the batteries back in, the same as they were before.
  5. Push the button to turn on the thermometer.

Can you calibrate a Braun thermometer?

Remove the PRO 6000 Thermometer from the 9600 Plus Calibration Tester and read the temperature in the thermometer’s display. If the temperatures are within ±0.2 °C, the thermometer is within calibration. Gently wipe the probe tip with a cotton swab or cloth slightly moistened with isopropyl or ethyl alcohol only.

How do you reset an ear thermometer?

Why is my Braun ear thermometer flashing?

Answer: A flashing display indicates a system error. We suggest waiting 1 minute until the thermometer turns off by itself and then turns on again. If the problem persists, reset the thermometer by removing the batteries momentarily.

Why does my Braun thermometer keep flashing?