How do you research medical journals in Sims 3?

Reading the journal in the Sim’s inventory does equal research. If you can’t interact with the journal as you would with any other book in a Sim’s inventory, odds are you are experiencing a mod conflict. Try pulling out any skilling mods and see if the Sim can read the journal.

How do you advance in medical career Sims 3?

To get your Sim a job in the medical career track, have them apply at the hospital. This career track is very logic-intensive and will require your Sim to read medical journals most every day to maintain a high level of job performance.

What skill do you need for medical career Sims 3?

Logic is the only skill requirement of the medical career track, so this is important. Good just fits his personality. The only real boost he’ll gain here is that he can donate money to charities to boost his mood.

How do you become a movie star in Sims 3?

Players have to manually add film studio rabbit holes in worlds other than Bridgeport in order for Sims to be able to join the film career. As of patch 1.38, players can disable the celebrity system and opt their Sims out from becoming one.

What skills do Sims need for medical career?

Two of the most critical skills necessary for this career track are Handiness and Logic. The Handiness skill is essential since your Sim will be handling hospital equipment, including analyzer machines, X-rays, and treadmills, among others.

What does Sims mean in medical terms?

[ sĭmz ] n. A position in which the patient lies on one side with the under arm behind the back and the upper thigh flexed, used to facilitate vaginal examination. lateral recumbent position.

Can you be an astronaut in Sims 3?

For Astronaut, the top level of the Military career track in The Sims 3, see Military. The Astronaut career is one of the career tracks from The Sims 4 base game. After being promoted from level seven, Sims will be able to choose one of the two career paths: Space Ranger or Interstellar Smuggler.