How do you reply to a tbh on Instagram?
How do you reply to a tbh on Instagram?
Best Answer:
- If someone sends you a tbh (to be honest) on Instagram, you can respond with a grateful heart.
- Thank them for their honesty and let them know that you appreciate it.
- You might also want to ask them what they didn’t like about you so that you can work on improving those areas.
How do you do a tbh on Instagram?
Best Answer:
- There is no one definitive way to do a TBH on Instagram.
- Some people simply post a message saying “TBH,” followed by their thoughts on someone.
- Others may take a more creative approach, such as posting a photo with a caption that says “TBH” and then lists some things they like about the person in the photo.
What does it mean when someone posts TBH on their story?
Tbh is an internet acronym which stands for to be honest.
How reply How are you?
You need to answer briefly, but in a positive way. “Great!” “I’m doing really well, thank you,” or “Fantastic!” are all good ways to answer. They will tell the other person that you are enthusiastic and ready to work. You might be shaking hands, too.
What’s tbh mean on Instagram?
To Be Honest
Tbh: To Be Honest, the Meaning is Perfectly Clear.
What does tbh pic mean?
TBH full form = To Be Honest.
What does TBH mean sendit?
TBH (To Be Honest)
What’s TBF mean in text?
to be fair
The first definition for TBF on Urban Dictionary was created in 2005, and it reads, “to be fair.” It has since become a common term all around the internet, especially in lively message boards like Reddit and group messaging apps like Discord.
What is tbh IDK?
tbh – to be honest. idk – I don’t know.
What’s going on reply?
You could reply by saying ‘Hey, how are you’ or just start by talking about a different topic. So let’s pretend someone says to me ‘Hey Shane, what’s going on’, I could say to them ‘Hey, did you see the movie last night? ‘ So the next time someone says ‘woss goin’ on’ to you, you will know how to answer this correctly.