How do you replace multiple characters in Unix?

Sometimes it requires to replace multiple lines of a file with any particular character or text. Different commands exist in Linux to replace multiple lines of a file….Commonly used `sed` Cheat Sheet:

Character Purpose
G It is used to append from the holding text.
h It is used to copy in the holding text.

How do you use multiple lines in sed?

6.3 Multiline techniques – using D,G,H,N,P to process multiple lines

  1. sed starts by reading the first line into the pattern space (i.e. ‘ 1 ‘).
  2. At the beginning of every cycle, the N command appends a newline and the next line to the pattern space (i.e. ‘ 1 ‘, ‘ \n ‘, ‘ 2 ‘ in the first cycle).

How do you use the wildcard in sed?

An expression can be a single letter, a set of letters, or something in brackets.

  1. A by itself just matches the letter A, like you’d expect.
  2. [ABC] by itself just matches the letter A, B, or C.
  3. A* tells it to match 0 or more A characters.
  4. [ABC]* tells it to match 0 or more characters among A, B, C.

How do I remove a character from a string in Unix?

Remove Character from String Using tr The tr command (short for translate) is used to translate, squeeze, and delete characters from a string. You can also use tr to remove characters from a string. For demonstration purposes, we will use a sample string and then pipe it to the tr command.

How do I remove special characters in Unix using sed?

Remove CTRL-M characters from a file in UNIX

  1. The easiest way is probably to use the stream editor sed to remove the ^M characters. Type this command: % sed -e “s/^M//” filename > newfilename.
  2. You can also do it in vi: % vi filename. Inside vi [in ESC mode] type: :%s/^M//g.
  3. You can also do it inside Emacs.

How do you escape a dot in SED?

Escape dots in domains names using sed in Bash

  1. echo $D | sed ‘s/\./\\./g’ Correctly returns: domain\.com.
  2. D1=`echo $D | sed ‘s/\./\\./g’` echo $D1. Returns:

What are the different versions of SED in Linux?

There are several versions of sed, with some functional differences between them. macOS uses the BSD version, while most Linux distributions come with GNU sed pre-installed by default. We’ll use the GNU version. The general form of searching and replacing text using sed takes the following form: sed -i ‘s/SEARCH_REGEX/REPLACEMENT/g’ INPUTFILE

How do I use the ampersand character in SED?

Another useful feature of sed is that you can use the ampersand character & which corresponds to the matched pattern. The character can be used multiple times. For example, if you want to add curly braces {} around each 3 digit number, type: sed -i ‘s/\\b [0-9]\\ {3\\}\\b/ {&}/g’ file.txt

What are the most useful features of SED?

Another useful feature of sed is that you can use the ampersand character & which corresponds to the matched pattern. The character can be used multiple times. For example, if you want to add curly braces {} around each 3 digit number, type: Last but not least, it is always a good idea to make a backup when editing a file with sed.