How do you reduce swelling from a bee sting on the foot?


  1. Remove the stinger using tweezers or some other object with a hard surface, such as a credit card.
  2. Thoroughly wash the affected area using soap and water.
  3. Apply a cold compress to help reduce swelling.
  4. Take over-the-counter (OTC) anti-inflammatory medication, such as ibuprofen (Advil).
  5. Contact a pharmacist.

What happens if a bee stings my foot?

There may be an area of swelling 2-3 inches across in the immediate area of the sting. Inflammation, redness and pain generally dissipate in less than 24 to 48 hours. Note that this is a natural response to the venom conveyed in a bee sting, and not an allergic reaction.

When should I worry about a bee sting swelling?

The most serious threat of a bee sting is anaphylactic shock, a life-threatening swelling of the throat and tongue, which can prevent you from breathing. It is a cause for concern and is imperative to get to an emergency medical professional as soon as possible, even if you only have one or two symptoms.

Can I walk on foot after bee sting?

I would recommend that you continue cold compresses and avoid your power walks for at least another day or two after a sting.

When should I see a doctor for a bee sting?

Seek prompt medical care if you’ve been swarmed by bees and have multiple stings. Make an appointment to see your doctor if: Bee sting symptoms don’t go away within a few days. You’ve had other symptoms of an allergic response to a bee sting.

When should you go to the doctor for a bee sting?

You should call 911 and seek immediate emergency treatment if you or someone near you develops a severe reaction to a bee sting or if there are multiple bee stings. The following symptoms are a sign of an allergic reaction: Nausea, vomiting, and/or diarrhea. Stomach cramps.

When should I be concerned about a bee sting?

You should be concerned with the bee sting and seek medical attention if your body’s allergic reaction to the sting spreads throughout your body. This might come in the form of symptoms such as: Itching and hives. Paleness.

Is it normal for a bee sting to swell the next day?

Some people who get stung by a bee or other insect have a bit stronger reaction, with signs and symptoms such as: Extreme redness. Swelling at the site of the sting that gradually enlarges over the next day or two.