How do you read influenza test results?

Even a light or faint Test line must be interpreted as a positive result. Negative: Only a reddish purple Control line (C position), with no Test line at the A or B position, indicates that Influenza A or B antigen has not been detected. A negative result does not exclude influenza viral infection.

What is a positive flu test?

Positive result: A positive result means that the test detected influenza viral antigen or RNA. Negative result: A negative result means that the test didn’t detect any influenza viral antigen or RNA. Invalid result: If your test reveals an invalid result, it means there was an error in the testing.

How long is flu test positive?

All the patients who tested positive by culture also had positive PCR results. The longest period of flu virus shedding shown by any method was 14 days. The researchers found no link between prolonged virus shedding and either antiviral treatment or previous vaccination.

What does the rapid flu test look for?

Background. Rapid influenza diagnostic tests (RIDTs) are immunoassays that can identify the presence of influenza A and B viral nucleoprotein antigens in respiratory specimens, and display the result in a qualitative way (positive vs. negative) (1). In the United States, a number of RIDTs are commercially available.

What does C mean on a flu test?

Each Status™ COVID-19/Flu test device has built-in controls. The Control line at the C position can be considered as an internal positive procedural control; i.e., a proper amount of sample was used, sample was properly added to the Extraction Well, sample migrated properly, and the reagent system worked properly.

Can you test positive for flu and Covid at the same time?

Yes, it’s possible to test positive for the flu and COVID-19 at the same time, but experts say the chances of having a coinfection are very, very low.

Can you have the flu without a fever?

A fever is part of the immune system’s response to an infection and is a typical flu symptom. However, it is possible for the flu to occur without a fever. In mild cases of the flu, the body may be able to fight off the influenza virus without raising its temperature.

When are you no longer contagious with the flu?

About a week. Typically, you’re contagious from 1 day before you have any symptoms. You stay that way for 5 to 7 days after you start feeling sick. Kids and people with weak immune systems may shed the virus even longer.

How often are flu tests false positive?

Roughly 1 out of 10 tests will result in a false positive, which for a test done in the office in 15 minutes is very good. A false positive is less likely to occur during flu season (when lots of people have the flu) and more likely to occur outside of flu season when fewer people have the flu.

How do you read flu Covid test?

Positive: Determination of a positive result is made at fifteen (15) minutes. A reddish purple Control line (C position) and a reddish purple Test line (Flu A, Flu B or CoV19 position) indicate that Influenza A, B and/or SARS-CoV-2 antigen has been detected.

Is influenza AB or C worse?

What Are the Different Types of Flu? There are three types of flu viruses: A, B, and C. Type A and B cause the annual influenza epidemics that have up to 20% of the population sniffling, aching, coughing, and running high fevers. Type C also causes flu; however, type C flu symptoms are much less severe.

How long are you contagious with the flu?

Period of Contagiousness People with flu are most contagious in the first 3-4 days after their illness begins. Some otherwise healthy adults may be able to infect others beginning 1 day before symptoms develop and up to 5 to 7 days after becoming sick.