How do you put a background color on a table in HTML?


bgcolor Attribute

Can we set background color for columns in HTML?

The best way to set the background color for a column is to create a style class and then assign it to the column’s cells. Creating a class allows you to assign that class to the cells in a specific column using one attribute.

How do you add a background color to a table header in HTML?


bgcolor Attribute

is used to specify the background color of a table header cell….Attribute Values:

  1. color_name: It sets the background color by using the color name.
  2. hex_number: It sets the background color by using the color hex code.

How do I change the background color of a column?

To Change the Background Color of Column Letters and Row Numbers for Tables

  1. Click a grid line to select a table.
  2. Open the Properties Inspector.
  3. Select the background color, text color, size, and style and the line color.

What is used to Colour the background of the table?

Explanation: Fill tool is used to apply different backgrounds color in a table.

How to change the background color of a HTML table?

wpDataTables. wpDataTables is a best-selling WordPress table plugin that makes your work with tables,charts and data management super easy.

  • TablePress. Creating stunning and appealing tables with unique background colors has never been easier than with TablePress.
  • Ninja Tables. Another option is the Ninja Tables plugin.
  • How to color table in HTML?


  • dashed
  • solid
  • double
  • groove
  • ridge
  • inset
  • outset
  • none
  • hidden
  • How to set background color with HTML and CSS?

    Inline style attribute

  • Internal CSS
  • External CSS
  • How do you color a table row in HTML?

    – Use the HTML element to define a table. – Use the HTML element to define a table row. – Use the HTML element to define a table data. – Use the HTML element to define a table heading. – Use the HTML element to define a table caption. – Use the CSS border property to define a border.