How do you pronounce ett?


  1. IPA: /ɛtː/
  2. Audio. 0:01. (file)

How do you pronounce the name Urie?

  1. Phonetic spelling of Urie. y-OO-r-ee. yer-ee. urie.
  2. Meanings for Urie.
  3. Examples of in a sentence. Buyer and Cellar in Dallas: Urie Back Home, Heading to TV After.
  4. Translations of Urie. Portuguese : brendon. Korean : 데 Russian : Ури Chinese : 鲁诺尤里

What does zeitgeber mean in English?

Definition of zeitgeber : an environmental agent or event (such as the occurrence of light or dark) that provides the stimulus setting or resetting a biological clock of an organism.

What is meant by a zeitgeber?

Zeitgeber means environmental time cues such as sunlight, alarm clocks, or social interaction that helps trigger an organism to entrainment to a 24-hour cycle.

How do you pronounce anoxic?

  1. Phonetic spelling of anoxic. an-oxic. anox-i-c.
  2. Meanings for anoxic. Definition of anoxic 1 : of, relating to, or affected with anoxia 2 : greatly deficient in oxygen : OXYGENLESS anoxic water.
  3. Synonyms for anoxic. hypoxia.
  4. Examples of in a sentence. Northern Pacific’s tropical anoxic zone might shrink from climate change.

How do you use zeitgeber in a sentence?

‘Scientists call external time cues zeitgebers. ‘ ‘You are in conflict with all of the zeitgebers around you, and your need to work preserves this conflict. ‘

What does zeitgeber mean in psychology?

n. a cue, such as day length, used to activate or time a biological rhythm.

Who coined the term zeitgeber?

The term zeitgeber (German: [ˈtsaɪtˌɡeːbɐ]; lit. ‘time giver, synchronizer’) was first used by Jürgen Aschoff, one of the founders of the field of chronobiology. His work demonstrated the existence of endogenous (internal) biological clocks, which synchronize biological rhythms.