How do you pronounce Aibrean?


  1. MEANING: Aibreann is April in the Irish language.
  2. GENDER: Girl | Female.
  3. PRONUNCIATION: ab + rawn”
  5. AUDIO: (Listen to the late author Frank McCourt pronounce Aibreann and read along with the meaning)
  6. Play Audio for Aibreann: Play Audio for Aibreann.

How do you pronounce Slainte is Tainte?

“Cheers” in Irish is sláinte which is pronounced a bit like “slawn-che”. Sláinte means “health”, and if you’re feeling brave, you can say sláinte is táinte (“slawn-che iss toin-che”), meaning “health and wealth”.

How do you say Dheagh Shlainte?

The Scots of the western half of Scotland, in Scottish Gaelic, say ‘dheagh shlàinte, (pronounced like ‘do slawncha’).

How do you pronounce Aoibheall?

Phonetic spelling of Aoibheal

  1. Ah-veel-Ah.
  2. ah-veel.
  3. Aoib-heal. Sarina Price.

Is April a Irish name?

April in Irish is Aibreán.

What are the months in Irish?

Míosa agus na séasúir

Irish English
Iúil July
Lúnasa August
Meán Fómhair September
Deireadh Fómhair October

How is the name Saoirse pronounced?

Saoirse is pronounced “Sur-sha.” The actress is aware of the difficulty her name creates for people, and she sympathizes with those who fumble over it. “Yes, I am very Irish, and I have an extremely Irish name. Some would say too Irish,” she said on Saturday Night Live in 2017.

Is Aine Irish for Anne?

ÁINE, genitive idem (the same), Anne, Anna; an ancient Irish name; still common, but now merged in the Hebrew Ánna, which see.

What is the Irish version of Mary?

Muire (English: Mary) is an Irish name given exclusively to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Irish name Máire is typically used for the name Mary.