How do you present a creative timeline?

Here are some basic ways you can create a timeline template:

  1. Using repeat elements to represent milestones. Take a look at the following timeline template:
  2. Using a continuous element with separators. Take a look at the following slide:
  3. Using call outs along the PowerPoint timeline.
  4. Using a calendar to mark the events.

What is creative timeline?

Creative timelines are one of my favorite examples of useful visualizations. Not only do they convey lots of information in a simple way, they also provide context for that information by displaying it sequentially along with other related events. Timelines can stretch far back in time or fast-forward into the future.

How do you make a fancy timeline on PowerPoint?

Create a timeline

  1. On the Insert tab, click Smart Art.
  2. Pick a timeline layout from the gallery that appears, such as this Basic Timeline in the List section.
  3. In the text editor, enter the dates and descriptions, and then press Enter.

How do you create a timeline on canva?

How to make a timeline

  1. Start your design journey. Go to Canva and look for “Timeline Infographics” in the search bar.
  2. Visualize the time. Create your own timeline from scratch or browse ready-made templates.
  3. Discover features. There are a million ways to tell the time.
  4. Plot and customize.
  5. Download and share.

How do you create a timeline in PowerPoint?

Create a timeline in PowerPoint for the web

  1. On the Insert tab, click Smart Art.
  2. Pick a timeline layout from the gallery that appears, such as this Basic Timeline in the List section.
  3. In the text editor, enter the dates and descriptions, and then press Enter.

Does Microsoft Word have a timeline template?

Word does not have a default timeline template, but you can insert a basic timeline in your document going to the Insert tab and selecting SmartArt. Then, in the Choose a SmartArt Graphic gallery, click Process and select one of the two timeline formats there – Basic Timeline or Circle Accent Timeline.

How do you make a timeline on canva?