How do you prescribe Hizentra?

Start HIZENTRA treatment • For weekly or frequent dosing, start treatment with HIZENTRA 1 week after the patient’s last IGIV infusion or IGSC infusion. For biweekly dosing, start treatment 1 or 2 weeks after the last IGIV infusion or 1 week after the last weekly IGSC infusion.

Is Hizentra a SCIg?

Hizentra is a subcutaneous immunoglobulin, or SCIg, which means it is infused in the fatty layer located just under the skin, and NOT in a vein.

How often is Hizentra given?

Hizentra gives you protection with weekly dosing (1–2 sessions over 1–2 consecutive days) for CIDP. Dosing options for PI range from once a day to once every 2 weeks.

How do you administer SCIg?

Subcutaneous immunoglobulin (SCIg) infusions are given by slowly injecting purified immunoglobulin into fatty tissue just underneath the skin. SCIg can be given at home using: Mechanical infusion pumps – spring loaded, or battery powered.

How is Hizentra dosed?

Hizentra should be administered subcutaneously only. Do not administer intravenously. Hizentra can be dosed daily up to every 2 weeks for PI using an infusion pump and relatively small needle(s).

How do you give immunoglobulin infusion?

Administer directly via the bottle provided by blood bank. Do not remove IVIg from the bottle and attempt to administer via a syringe driver. IVIg does not contain any antimicrobial preservative, therefore each bottle of IVIg must be administered within 6 hours from spiking the bottle.

What is the difference between IVIG and SCIG?

Both IVIG and SCIG products are intended to get into the blood stream. The difference between the two is that when IVIG is administered, there is a very rapid spike in serum IgG, whereas with SCIG, there isn’t. The big spike from IVIG is often the cause of adverse effects that we don’t see as commonly with SCIG.

How long does it take for Scig to work?

In addition, treatment-naïve patients are more likely to experience adverse events to IVIG during the first and second infusions [41]. However, in treatment-naïve patients, SCIG therapy started at a constant weekly dose may take up to 6 months to achieve steady-state IgG levels [42].

How often is Scig given?

Conventional SCIG can be given daily, weekly, every two weeks, or multiple times per week, as long as the total monthly dose is divided appropriately. Dosing daily involves subcutaneous injection of small volumes without the need for a pump, using only a syringe.

How fast does Hizentra work?

How Fast Does Hizentra Work? The onset of action may vary for patients. A patient’s body weight, the quantity of the medication infused, and many other factors may influence the duration to take effect. The median infusion time based on clinical trials was about 1.5 to 2 hours for PI and about 1 hour for CIDP.

How does Scig work?

Because SCIG is absorbed by the body more slowly through the fat tissue, instead of in large doses entered directly into the circulatory system, it is believed that SCIG causes milder systemic reactions than IVIG. SCIG comes with site reactions, too, which usually decrease over time.

What happens if IVIG is given too fast?

Anaphylaxis, another rare severe side effect, is a rapidly progressing, life-threatening allergic reaction that can be caused by either IVIG or SCIG infusions. Anaphylaxis may require the administration of corticosteroids and antihistamines, and in very severe cases, administration of epinephrine.