How do you plant Cornus mas?

Trees should be planted about 20 feet apart. If weather conditions are poor and bees are not out and about while they are flowering, it may be necessary to hand-pollinate in order to get a good crop. It’s also been found that planting several cultivars of Cornelian Cherries can improve the fruit yield.

Does Cornus mas need a pollinator?

A: The flowers of Cornelian cherry dogwood (Cornus mas) have both male and female parts; the trees can pollinate themselves. But a partner of a different variety is often needed for abundant fruit and sometimes, as in your case, for any fruit at all.

How do you plant cornelian cherries?

Choose a site in full sun in an area with well-drained soil. Cornelian cherry tolerates a wide range of soil types, including clay, and a wide range of pHs. Plants can also tolerate some shade. Cornelian cherries need to be cross pollinated with another variety.

How fast does cornelian cherry grow?

Cornelian cherry dogwood is a fairly slow-growing species that will take up to 10 years to achieve 15 feet in height. It is normally planted in the spring.

Do deer eat Cornus mas?

Red Osier Dogwood (Cornus sericea) Red Osier Dogwood is a deer-resistant species of shrub dogwood that reaches 6-feet to 9-feet in height. In addition to white spring flowers, this species features clusters of white berries in summer and fall. This combination attracts both butterflies and a wide range of bird species.

Where is Cornus mas native to?

Cornus mas is native to central and southern Europe as well as parts of western Asia. It is found in dry deciduous forests and brushlands.

Do birds eat cornelian cherries?

The fruit are edible, but fairly sour fresh off the tree. However, cornelian cherry fruit can be used for making tasty syrups and preserves. Birds love the fruit as well!

Are Cornelian cherry dogwood messy?

Cornelian Cherry Dogwood prefers fertile, medium moisture, well drained soils in full sun to part shade. These shrubs or trees propagate via basal shoots that should be removed in landscaped areas as spreading can result in a messy look. These shrubs are best for spring interest when flowers are in full bloom.