How do you open the security gate in Corvega?

Several raiders patrol this area. The room above the stairs has more spotlights and turrets, with a interior room with a Master Locked Security Gate, that can be opened with Gristle’s Corvega Storage Key if you killed him in Concord. The room contains plenty of weapons, ammo, and explosives. His terminal is nearby.

Is there a bobblehead in Corvega assembly plant?

It can be found at the Corvega assembly plant on the very end of the top exterior gantry. It is located on the southwest roof section of the plant on top of a crate.

Does Corvega assembly plant Respawn?

They don’t respawn.

What is the back storage key for in Fallout 4?

Storage keys in Fallout 4: Back storage key – Opens back storage room of an unmarked store east of collegiate administration building. Back storage key – Opens storage shed near Starlight Drive In.

How do you beat the Raiders in Corvega assembly plant?

Clear the basement, main floor and top floor of all Raiders, looting their bodies for weapons, ammunition, Molotov Cocktails, and even Fragmentation Grenades. These last two are great when you need to dig out an enemy who insists on staying in cover. As we mentioned, clean out every inch of the assembly plant.

How do I get into the vault 81 bobblehead?

In Vault 81, take the elevator down to the basement level. You will need to complete Here Kitty Kitty, to access Hole in the Wall which lets you access that level. After making your way through the secret labs of Vault 81, you can find the bobblehead on a desk in the room where you meet Curie.

Is it possible to clear every location in Fallout 4?

Can every location become CLEARED or only certain ones and what is the criteria? Once you’ve killed the main “Boss” enemy of the location, a location is generally cleared. If there is a quest associated with that location you will have to finish that first. Settlements for sure cannot be “cleared”.