How do you name a page?

Click your Page photo in the top right. Select Settings & Privacy, then click Settings. Below General Page Settings, click Name….

  1. Tap.
  2. Tap Pages.
  3. Go to your Page and tap Edit Page.
  4. Below Name, tap your Page’s name.
  5. Enter a new name, then tap Continue.
  6. Tap Request Change.

What kind of name can I use on Facebook?

You can only have one username for your Page or profile, and you can’t have a username that is already being used. Usernames can only contain alphanumeric characters (A–Z, 0–9) and periods (“.”). They can’t contain generic terms or extensions (.com, .net). Usernames must be at least 5 characters long.

Which category is best for Facebook page?

Facebook Page Types – Select the Best Category for Your Business

  • Local Business or Place.
  • Company, Organization or Institution.
  • Brand or Product.
  • Artist, Band or Public Figure.
  • Entertainment.
  • Cause or Community.

What is a page name?

Page name is a term for the title of any page on Wikipedia. A page is named for the convenience of linking to it by its title. It is shown on the title line, near the top, in large bold letters.

How do I create a FB page?

Create a Page (Desktop)

  1. Open your Facebook profile.
  2. At the top of the homepage, click the Pages icon and click Create New Page. .
  3. Name your Page.
  4. Add a category to describe your Page.
  5. Enter business information, such as address and contact information.
  6. Select Create Page.
  7. You can add a profile photo to your Page.

Can I change my name on Facebook?

Tap in the top right of Facebook. Scroll down and tap Settings, then tap Personal and Account Information. Tap Name. Enter your name and tap Review Change.

What is FB page category?

These are “Local Business or Place”, “Company, Organization or Institution”, “Brand or Product”, “Artist, Band or Public Figure”, “Entertainment”, and “Cause or Community”. While it may seem simple to just pick the category that best fits your brand, that’s just the beginning of the story.

How do I write a category on my Facebook page?

How do I edit my Page’s category on Facebook?

  1. Tap in the top right of Facebook.
  2. Tap Pages, then go to your Page.
  3. Tap More.
  4. Tap Edit Page then tap Page Info.
  5. Tap Category.
  6. Tap an existing category to delete it, or tap Add category + to create a new one.