How do you measure a ball closure ring?

The gauge refers to the thickness of the ring and is measured in millimetres or using the gauge system. BCRs are sold by their internal diameter. To find out what diameter you need measure the distance straight across between the two holes of your piercing.

What is 0.8 mm gauge?

Sheet Steel Gauge Conversion Chart

Gauge No Inch Metric
18 0.048″ 1.2mm
19 0.040″ 1.0mm
20 0.036″ 0.9mm
21 0.032″ 0.8mm

What is 16g in MM?

1.291 mm

gauge inches decimal millimeters
16g 0.051″ 1.291 mm
0.062″ 1.587 mm
14g 0.064″ 1.628 mm
12g 0.081″ 2.053 mm

How do I close my BCR?

The ball of a BCR or segment of a bar closure ring is held in place by the tension of the ring; there is a dimple on either side for the ring to clip into. To remove the ball or segment, you must push it out of the ring – it does not unscrew.

How do I open a BCR file?

The best method is to use long nose pliers or preferably BCR / Circular barbell opening pliers. By placing the pliers through the ring and VERY GENTLY opening them until the ball is released. Being forceful or stretching the ring to far will mean the ring will be too loose for the ball to be inserted back in place.

How do you convert gauge to MM?

Easily convert gauge to mm and decimal inch equivalents….B&S Gauge to mm & inches Conversion.

B&S Gauge Millimeters Inches
1 7.348 mm .289″
2 6.543 mm .258″
3 5.827 mm .229″
4 5.189 mm .204″

What is 18 gauge in MM?

1.024 0.040
Home > TECHNICAL RESOURCES > Gauge = mm = Inch Conversion Chart

B&S Gauge Millimeter (mm) Inch (decimal)
17 1.149 0.045
18 1.024 0.040
19 0.912 0.036
20 0.812 0.032