How do you make time telling fun?

Try these fun interactive activities, and your students will be telling time in no time flat.

  1. Make a paper clock.
  2. Color the spaces to learn the hours.
  3. Wear paper watches.
  4. Make a clock with linking math cubes.
  5. Take it outside with a hula hoop clock.
  6. Dance around for musical clocks.
  7. Shake up a carton of clocks.

What are the activities for grade 4?

50 classroom activities for 4th grade

  • Draw with Symmetry.
  • Caption a photo to make your own meme.
  • Set goals for your time at home.
  • Create and send a digital postcard.
  • Family recipes.
  • Make Wanted posters for vocabulary words.
  • What is this puppy thinking?
  • Helping those who are helping others.

How can kids tell time activities?

10 Easy Telling Time Games and Activities for Kids

  1. Roll a dice and tell the time!
  2. Another fun way to go at it is to use play dough!
  3. When the weather is great you can take teaching outside and make this hula hoop clock.
  4. If your little one loves paper plate crafts then give these paper plate clocks a try!

How do you introduce time?

Introduce – Time: Hours Start by showing times such as 7:00 and 11:00 and writing them on the board next to clock faces. Check to ensure that your students understand that the short hand indicates the hour and should be both said and written first. Have students repeat “One o’clock, two o’clock…” after you.

How do you explain time?

In math, time can be defined as an ongoing and continuous sequence of events that occur in succession, from past through present, and to the future. Time is used to quantify, measure or compare the duration of events or the intervals between them, and even, sequence events.

What is a good goal for a 4th grader?

The goals for fourth grade students include demonstrating increased responsibility for learning, managing time well, setting appropriate achievement goals, and beginning to understand their own learning styles.

How can I practice telling time at home?

Telling Time: Simple Ways to Reinforce Lessons at Home

  1. Go Analog. With digital clocks everywhere from your oven to your TV box and smartphone, kids may not understand why they need to learn time.
  2. Practice Skip Counting. Counting by fives is a helpful skill to have when it comes to telling time.
  3. Use Timed Activities.

How do you play clock bingo?

The first student to cover five times in a row calls out BINGO! and wins the game. The winner might lead the next round of the game. (Note: Keep a running list of the times you have shown; and then check the winning student’s card to be certain all the times covered were among the times you showed on the clock.)