How do you make the perfect brown turkey?

How to Cook a Turkey

  1. Preheat the oven to 500°F.
  2. Make a shield.
  3. Roast on the lowest rack.
  4. Lower temperature.
  5. Add meat thermometer.
  6. Set the meat thermometer alarm to 162°F.
  7. Let the turkey rest for 30 minutes before carving.

How long does Alton Brown brine a turkey?

8 to 16 hours12
Place the turkey (giblets and other innards removed) in the brine, breast side-down. If necessary, weigh down the bird to ensure it is fully immersed, then set in a cool area for 8 to 16 hours12 hours is the sweet spot., turning the bird halfway through brining.

How long do you cook a 15 lb turkey at 350?

If your turkey weighs 15 to 16 pounds, roast it at: 350°F for 3½ to 3¾ hours. 325°F for 3¾ to 4 hours.

How do you make a juicy moist turkey?

Classic Bread Stuffing Recipe

  1. Choose a fresh turkey instead of a frozen one.
  2. Roast two small turkeys rather than one large one.
  3. Brine the turkey.
  4. Rub soft butter under the skin.
  5. Truss loosely, or not at all.
  6. Roast the turkey upside down at first.
  7. Don’t overcook it.
  8. Let the turkey rest before carving.

How do I get crispy brown turkey skin?

Rub the skin with fat. Once you’ve carefully dried off the skin, the next step you can take to guarantee perfectly crispy turkey skin is to rub it with a fat, like butter or oil. Oil will yield a crispier skin than butter because butter is at least 20 percent water, while oil contains no water.

Should I cover a turkey with foil?

We’ve found that covering a turkey in foil yields much moister results than roasting it without foil, and we favor simply covering up the breast to even out cooking time. Some people swear that roasting a turkey breast-side down and flipping it halfway through achieves the same results as a foil covered breast.

What liquid do you use to baste a turkey?

You can baste turkey with melted butter or other fat, stock, or drippings from the roasting pan.