How do you make silage in Farming Simulator 15?

The primary method of producing Silage in bulk is by fermenting Grass and/or Chaff in a fermentation bunker. In both Bjornholm and Westbridge Hills, there are 5 such bunkers: 4 large ones at the Biogas Plant, and a smaller one at the Cow Pasture.

What is the most profitable Crop in Farming Simulator 15?

Wheat is one of the different types of crops in Farming Simulator 15. Wheat is likely the most lucrative of the three starting crop types (Wheat, Barley, Canola) by a small margin.

How do you make silage?

Checklist for making good silage:

  1. Avoid bad weather at the time of harvest.
  2. Assess the quantity of crop to be harvested.
  3. Check the condition of silo.
  4. Check growth stage of the crop.
  5. Addition of molasses, salt, etc.
  6. Proper filling of silo.
  7. Covering and sealing of silo.

How do you make silage on farm simulator?

Grass silage is produced by cutting grass and putting it into rows to be collected by either a forage harvester with a pickup header and put into a trailer and then into the silo like corn silage.

How long does it take for a field to grow in farming simulator?

Re: Field growth time The base growth time per growth state is 10:00h for grass and 6:40h for all other crops.

Do you have to own the Biogas Plant?

The Biogas Plant is a Sale Point in Farming Simulator 19. It exists on a Parcel of land, which you must buy in order to use it.

Why is silage better than hay?

Silage is compacted and stored in air-tight conditions without being dried. Digestive capabilities: Animals do not digest hay. Silage is partially and easily digested, offering more nutritious value. Preservation: Hay is typically kept in a bale, while silage is stored in a bale and covered with tight plastic wrap.

How long can silage last?

Storage life will depend on the type of plastic used. Stretchwrap plastic will give a storage life of 12 months, while plastic sheet can last for 2-3 years. Unwrapped round and square bales can be stored in pits or hillside bunkers and covered with plastic sheeting.