How do you make drawings interesting?

Re-Crop Your Drawings to Make Them More Interesting Try zooming in to the part of the picture that interests you the most. A close-up is often more interesting and powerful than the image as a whole. If you’ve already drawn the image and something still nags, try re-framing the drawing.

What is the best drawing tutorials on YouTube?

The Best YouTube Channels for Learning How to Draw

  • General Lessons with Technical Detail. SchaeferArt.
  • For Digital Drawing. Pypah’s Art.
  • Keep Things Simple. Super Easy Drawings.
  • Great for Kids. Art for Kids Hub.
  • Learn to Draw Anime Characters. Shinigami Arts.
  • Technical Lessons and Figure Drawing. Proko.
  • Nothing but Doodles.

What can 5 year olds draw?

They draw images such as animals, houses, vehicles, trees, plants, flowers and rainbows. They are able to include details – such as drawing a house with a door, windows, roof and chimney. By 5 years of age, children should have developed good control when holding a pencil, crayon or paintbrush.

How do you make art not boring?

But we should take note that when these mehtods are combined, the result is even stronger.

  1. Unusual Perspective. Some subject matter we see from a specific point-of-view.
  2. Tell A Story. If an otherwise boring subject is part of a compelling story then it is no longer boring.
  3. The Unexpected/Weird.
  4. Create Emphasis.

What is the best art YouTube channel?

The 10 Best Artist YouTube Channels for Learning Art

  • Proko. 2.6M subscribers.
  • The Art of Aaron Blaise. 519K subscribers.
  • FZDSCHOOL. 366K subscribers.
  • Ethan Becker. 777K subscribers.
  • Sinix Design. 879K subscribers.
  • Watercolor by Shibasaki. 1.27M subscribers.
  • Alphonso Dunn. 786K subscribers.
  • Travis Davids. 71.3K subscribers.