How do you make a silver silver chloride reference electrode?

A silver wire (1.0 mm in diameter) was used to prepare an Ag/AgCl electrode. The wire was cut to 10 cm long, polished and cleaned before immerging it about 6.5-7.0 cm into a solution of 0.5M FeCl3 for 12 h, to form a AgCl film on the silver wire. The electrode was then washed with water and used as a working electrode.

What are reference electrodes made of?

In saturated calomel electrode which is a reference electrode is made up of Hg2Cl2.

How do you prepare a reference electrode?

Rinse the electrode with pure water and insert it into the Teflon tube compartment filled with 1 M KCl. Before use place the reference electrode in a beaker with 1 M KCl for a few hours to reach a stable potential. When not in use store the electrode in 1 M KCl.

Why is silver chloride used as a reference electrode?

The silver/silver chloride reference electrode is a widely used reference electrode because it is simple, inexpensive, very stable and non-toxic.

What is silver silver chloride reference?

The silver/silver chloride reference electrode is composed of a silver wire, sometimes coated with a layer of solid silver chloride, immersed in a solution that is saturated with potassium chloride and silver chloride. The pertinent half reaction is. AgCl(s)+e−⇔Ag(s)+Cl−(sat’d) with a value for E0 of +0.222 V.

What is reference electrode in electrochemistry?

A reference electrode is an electrode which has a stable and well-known electrode potential. The high stability of the electrode potential is usually reached by employing a redox system with constant (buffered or saturated) concentrations of each participant of the redox reaction.

What is Ag AgCl electrode?

The electrode consists of a metallic silver wire (Ag(s)) coated with a thin layer of silver chloride (AgCl), either physically by dipping the wire in molten silver chloride, chemically by electroplating the wire in concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCl) or electrochemically by oxidising the silver at an anode in a …

How are electrodes made?

It is made by taking a solid silver were and coding it in AgCl then placing it in a solution of KCl and AgCl. Ions will be formed as electrons form in and out of the electrode system. Electrodes are an important part of how electricity works.

How do you clean Ag AgCl electrodes?

How to clean the GSR Fingerelectrodes (Ag-AgCl)

  1. scoop as much of the gel away from the electrode and housing, using a dry cotton swab or two.
  2. use a fresh cotton swab dipped in alcohol for cleaning the electrode face and housing.

Which electrode is used as reference electrode?

Standard Hydrogen Electrode
A Standard Hydrogen Electrode (SHE) is an electrode that scientists use for reference on all half-cell potential reactions.