How do you make a scratch on virtual dj 7?

Scratch with Keyboard & Mouse

  1. Open Settings and click “Controllers” in left side tab menu.
  2. For backward scratch, add the key ‘D’ with the action : scratch -120ms.
  3. For forward scratch, add the key ‘G’ with the action : scratch +120ms.
  4. Optionally to return to a cue, add the key ‘F’ with the action : cue_stop.

How do I enable keyboard shortcuts in Virtual DJ?

Click inside the Key learn to set the cursor in the box. Press the key from your keyboard that you wish to create a shortcut for. Each time you press a key, VirtualDJ will display the name for that key in the Key Learn box.

How do you put DNA on a scratch?

Right click on any of the Scratch Pads that you’d like to edit or select DNA Editor… from the Pad Menu to open the editor. Since all characters are upper case, all scratch movements are audible (crossfader open). To edit the DNA, go to the Syntax Field and use your keyboard to make changes.

How do I add custom maps to virtual DJ?


  2. Choose the device from the top-left side.
  3. Press a button or move a knob/slider on your controller that you wish to map.
  4. Type an appropriate action in the Action: box, e.g: play_pause.
  5. Repeat the last 2 steps for all the Keys that you wish to map for your controller.

What is scratch bank?

Scratch Banks is a pad mode allowing you to assign scratch samples and tracks in your Serato DJ Pro library to a pad. When that pad is triggered, the corresponding file will be loaded to deck, allowing you to quickly change samples and spend more time focusing on your routine.

How do I change keys on VirtualDJ 7?

Click inside the Key learn to set the cursor in the box. Press a key on your keyboard. Each time you press a key, VirtualDJ will display the name for that key at the top of the Key Learn area. Click on the Key name to select the one you wish to map.

How do you use DNA in scratch?

Editing Scratch DNA Right click on any of the Scratch Pads that you’d like to edit or select DNA Editor… from the Pad Menu to open the editor. Since all characters are upper case, all scratch movements are audible (crossfader open). To edit the DNA, go to the Syntax Field and use your keyboard to make changes.

How do I map the keyboard on Virtual DJ?

Visit VirtualDJ Settings -> MAPPING tab, click on Keyboard from the Devices list and select your preferred Mapping or edit/create a Custom one.