How do you make a journal on DeviantArt?

Hover over the Submit button in the top right corner, and click Journal. Select the perfect image to make your cover image by clicking “Add Cover.” Start typing in the text window! Here, you can compose a journal using formatting like bold, italics, bullet points and lists, and more.

What is a DeviantArt journal?

Journals on DeviantArt are your personal blogging space. You can use them as a diary, as a platform to speak your mind, to become an art curator and put great things on display for your watchers, or any other purpose you can imagine for them.

How do you edit journals on DeviantArt?

Hover over the thumbnail of the journal you want to edit. Click the “…” to pull up a menu. Click “Edit.”…How do I edit my journals?

  1. Click the edit pencil icon.
  2. You’ll be able to edit your cover image, text, make this entry a featured post!
  3. Be sure to click “Update” before you close out!

How do I upload a deviation?

You can begin the submission process from any page by hovering over the “Submit” button in the header. Select “Deviation” to go to the submissions page. You can also go here to submit visual art. If you’re in your, you can submit using the “Submit to DeviantArt” button on any Sta.

Can you post videos on DeviantArt?

If you’re a Core Member, you can submit video content. Make sure your film: Is less than 12 minutes long. Does not exceed 200 MB.

How do you put pictures on DeviantArt?

Just click on the Submit option at the top right corner on almost any page on DeviantArt and select the option Deviation. 2. On the submit page, drag and drop the file or click on Choose a file to upload to submit the file to as Deviation. You can also select the file from storage that DeviantArt supports.

Did VSCO get rid of journals?

We’ve made the tough decision to remove our free Journals feature from our VSCO app starting February 2, so that we can continue to invest our resources to work on building new tools our community will love.

How do you sell art on DeviantArt?

In order to sell prints through the deviantART Prints Service, you will first need to purchase a printing account for a one-time fee of $24.95. This account will never expire as long as you keep your deviantART account, and also comes with a free three month subscription to deviantART.

What file types does Deviantart accept?

You can submit the following file types: JPEG, PNG, GIF, PDF, PSD. ICO, ANI, CUR. RAR, ZIP, 7-ZIP, DMG, ICONPACKAGER. SWF, FLA.

What video format does Deviantart use?

mp4 or . mov format with H. 264 compression.